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   Board Meeting Minutes




NOVEMBER 8, 2016


The meeting was called to order by Robert Douglas at 7:10 PM.


There were 17 members in attendance


Howard Freedman reported with the Treasurers report, present balance $4,046.29.  He also reported that mailings went out to all members for 2017 Dues at $45.00 per year and the announcement and sign up form for our annual holiday dinner party scheduled for Tuesday, December 13 at the Stock Pot Broiler.  He requested that members get both forms back to him in the return envelope enclosed in the mailing, as soon as possible.


John Imlay advised that the next issue of the CLIPPER cutoff date for submissions for inclusion in the publication is December 10.


Matt Hackney reported on the pumpkin tour which was a great success with good lodging, good food and some excellent collections visited.  He also reported that he had been contacted by NORCAL Packards about a tour to the Eureka, Ferndale area in late May with a suggestion from them that we consider participating.  Matt will get more information as it becomes available.  Your secretary pro-tem spoke with the planners at NORCAL to give them some suggestions of points of interest and Carl Schneider the Packard race car and memorabilia collector in Eureka to contact.


Packards were driven this even by Robert Douglas, John Imlay and Joe Santana.


George Choban reported on a 1938 Packard that he is working on.


Matt Hackney moved, seconded by Karla Hackney that 2016 officers be retained for 2017.  Motion carried.


David McCready moved, seconded by Evelyn Freedman that the meeting stand adjourned.  Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM


 Respectfully submitted


                  HOWARD FREEDMAN

                  Secretary pro - tem